Tired of Listening? Understanding and Managing Listening Fatigue for Better Well-Being

Tired of Listening? Understanding and Managing Listening Fatigue for Better Well-Being

Listening fatigue, also known as auditory fatigue, is the state of being mentally and emotionally drained due to the effort it takes to understand speech or sounds in challenging situations. It occurs when our brains become overwhelmed by continuous auditory input and is an associated impact of hearing loss.

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International Coaching Week: 4 Ways I Can Support You to Live Well With Hearing Loss
coaching explained, transformation, information Carly Ann Sygrove coaching explained, transformation, information Carly Ann Sygrove

International Coaching Week: 4 Ways I Can Support You to Live Well With Hearing Loss

It is not always easy to know where or how to begin living well with hearing loss, particularly when hearing loss is sudden. You may feel shock and grief, and it can be challenging to deal with both the practical and emotional impact of your loss. It can take time and perseverance to understand how hearing loss impacts different aspects of your life and the accommodation you need. It can be difficult to know where to turn for support.

As a hearing loss coach, I support people with hearing health issues, helping them to improve their emotional well-being and move forward positively with their hearing loss.

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4 Tips for Building Self-Confidence After Hearing Loss
#tips, #advocacy, #confidence Carly Ann Sygrove #tips, #advocacy, #confidence Carly Ann Sygrove

4 Tips for Building Self-Confidence After Hearing Loss

Have you lost confidence since your hearing loss?

When I lost the hearing in my left ear in 2016, I lost a lot of confidence. At the time, I was focused on the practical aspects of coping with my hearing loss and learning to live life without full sound, to pay much attention to any struggles with self-confidence. My focus was on understanding the best place to sit in a restaurant to have the best possibility of hearing the conversation, trying hearing technology and figuring out how to tell people about my hearing loss. My lost confidence went undetected for some time.

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8 Ways to Optimize Your Audiology Appointment: A Guide to Coaching Support
audiology, appointment, coaching Carly Ann Sygrove audiology, appointment, coaching Carly Ann Sygrove

8 Ways to Optimize Your Audiology Appointment: A Guide to Coaching Support

While your audiologist can address all your hearing health matters, it's often difficult to remember to ask the questions you have during appointments. That's where I step in. I can help you express your needs effectively and get the most out of your appointment, ensuring you make informed decisions about your hearing health.

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Tinnitus Awareness Week
Tinnitus Week, Tinnitus Carly Ann Sygrove Tinnitus Week, Tinnitus Carly Ann Sygrove

Tinnitus Awareness Week

Tinnitus is defined as the perception of noise or ringing in the ears or head. The noise is not from an external source and can manifest itself in many forms. The varying sounds have been described as whistling, whirring, clicking, screeching, hissing, ringing, buzzing, pulsing, whooshing, or even musical. Tinnitus is a symptom of an underlying condition such as hearing loss, ear injury, or circulation problems. From the moment I lost the hearing in my left ear, I simultaneously gained these unwanted sounds. My life became noisier.

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Sudden Hearing Loss Support: 4 Resources to Help You on Your Hearing Loss Journey
sudden hearing loss, resources, support, coaching Carly Ann Sygrove sudden hearing loss, resources, support, coaching Carly Ann Sygrove

Sudden Hearing Loss Support: 4 Resources to Help You on Your Hearing Loss Journey

During my rehabilitation, I discovered how difficult It was to find helpful and reliable info online apart from the occasional article on hearing loss associations and charity websites. At the time of my loss, I struggled to find anything that encapsulated the whole sudden hearing loss experience - both the practical and emotional impact. There was also limited support in learning to live with a new hearing loss, and some of the forums I joined were so negative that I ended up leaving.

In connecting with others over the years, I identified a need for more support for people moving forward following a sudden hearing loss and began to create some resources to do just this.

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“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”
emotional impact, inspiration Carly Ann Sygrove emotional impact, inspiration Carly Ann Sygrove

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”

Experiencing hearing loss can feel overwhelming and all-consuming. Perhaps you are struggling to envision a full life with hearing loss. You may need to grieve your lost sound, the previous ease of conversation, or the sound of silence in the case of tinnitus. Maybe you are asking yourself, "Why me?" These are normal feelings and your reactions and valid.

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Coaching Explained: 4 Ways I can support you on your hearing loss journey
coaching explained, transformation, information Carly Ann Sygrove coaching explained, transformation, information Carly Ann Sygrove

Coaching Explained: 4 Ways I can support you on your hearing loss journey

It is not always easy to know where or how to begin living successfully with hearing loss, particularly when hearing loss is sudden. You may feel shock and grief, and it can be challenging to deal with both the practical and emotional impact of your loss. It can take time and perseverance to understand how hearing loss impacts different aspects of your life and the accommodation you need. It can be difficult to know where to turn for support.

As a hearing loss coach, I support people with hearing health issues, helping them to improve their emotional well-being and move forward positively with their hearing loss.

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Deaf Awareness Week 2023: 5 Surprising Facts About Life With Single-Sided Deafness
#advocacy, #support, #awareness Carly Ann Sygrove #advocacy, #support, #awareness Carly Ann Sygrove

Deaf Awareness Week 2023: 5 Surprising Facts About Life With Single-Sided Deafness

Deaf Awareness Week 2023

This week is Deaf Awareness Week!

The theme this year is Deaf Inclusion, which highlights how hearing loss impacts daily life and how others can help support deaf people.

This Deaf Awareness Week, I’m bringing attention to Single-Sided Deafness (SSD), a type of unilateral hearing loss, where a person has no or limited access to sound in one ear.

This subject is close to my heart as I have lived with SSD since my sudden hearing loss in 2016. Here I share some of the challenges that come with SSD, ways you can help support people with SSD, and how to advocate for yourself if you have SSD.

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How to build self-confidence after hearing loss
#tips, #advocacy, #confidence Carly Ann Sygrove #tips, #advocacy, #confidence Carly Ann Sygrove

How to build self-confidence after hearing loss

Have you lost confidence since your hearing loss?

When I lost the hearing in my left ear in 2016, I lost a lot of confidence. At the time, I was focused on the practical aspects of coping with my hearing loss and learning to live life without full sound, to pay much attention to any struggles with self-confidence. My focus was on understanding the best place to sit in a restaurant to have the best possibility of hearing the conversation, trying hearing technology and figuring out how to tell people about my hearing loss. My lost confidence went undetected for some time.

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Is your hearing loss holding you back?
#limitingbeliefs Carly Ann Sygrove #limitingbeliefs Carly Ann Sygrove

Is your hearing loss holding you back?

Do you ever feel like you miss out on new experiences or exciting opportunities because of your hearing loss? Perhaps, the new situation or opportunity comes with challenging communication environments, such as places with lots of background noise…

… Whatever the reason for believing your hearing loss is holding you back, below are some questions to help give you more clarity on the situation and figure out how you can begin to challenge this belief!

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