“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” - Carl Jung

Experiencing hearing loss can feel overwhelming and all-consuming. Perhaps you are struggling to envision a full life with hearing loss. You may need to grieve your lost sound, the previous ease of conversation, or the sound of silence in the case of tinnitus. Maybe you are asking yourself, "Why me?" These are normal feelings and your reactions and valid. 

Managing the emotional impact of hearing loss 

Journalling, creative activities, or carrying out your favourite hobby can help manage some of the emotional impacts of hearing loss. Talking to friends, family, or professionals about how you are feeling can also help lighten the load and encourage you to look beyond your hearing loss and focus on other parts of your life. It may take time to get to a place where you feel ready to move forward positively and productivity with your hearing loss.

New beginnings

Hearing loss can be life-changing. It can also be a chance to start afresh, to make new goals, and to look at the world through a more positive lens. Ok, you may have lost your hearing, but what can you still do despite your hearing loss? What do you still love? What still makes you happy? What have you learned from your hearing loss and how will this influence your future life and decisions?

What will you choose to become?

Carl Jung's quote reminds us that we don't have to let our hearing loss define us. We are so much more than our hearing loss and are still the same person we were before our loss. 

When managing daily life with hearing loss, we may lose sight of our goals, dreams, and plans. But you can change this. We can think beyond our limitations. Everyone has circumstances that hold them back, but these are just challenges. Take inspiration from Jung. You are in control of your own life. Be empowered to create the life you want to lead. 

When making goals, consider some of the following questions to help you craft a clear plan of how you will achieve them:

  • Why is it important for you to achieve this?

  • What are your strengths and resources to support your progress?

  • What insecurities do you have?

  • What have you tried/not tried?

  • What has worked in the past?

  • What is your level of commitment?

  • What support might you need?

  • What is your first step? When will you do it?

Need some support? 

If you’re feeling stuck or need some support moving forward with your life with hearing loss or balance issues, reach out to me to see if coaching could be for you. I offer a free 15-minute discovery call to anyone considering coaching, so we can meet and you can tell me more about yourself and the things you would like to explore.


Hearing Loss or Deaf Gain?


Coaching Explained: 4 Ways I can support you on your hearing loss journey