Tired of Listening? Understanding and Managing Listening Fatigue for Better Well-Being

Tired of Listening? Understanding and Managing Listening Fatigue for Better Well-Being

Listening fatigue, also known as auditory fatigue, is the state of being mentally and emotionally drained due to the effort it takes to understand speech or sounds in challenging situations. It occurs when our brains become overwhelmed by continuous auditory input and is an associated impact of hearing loss.

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Tinnitus Awareness Week
Tinnitus Week, Tinnitus Carly Ann Sygrove Tinnitus Week, Tinnitus Carly Ann Sygrove

Tinnitus Awareness Week

Tinnitus is defined as the perception of noise or ringing in the ears or head. The noise is not from an external source and can manifest itself in many forms. The varying sounds have been described as whistling, whirring, clicking, screeching, hissing, ringing, buzzing, pulsing, whooshing, or even musical. Tinnitus is a symptom of an underlying condition such as hearing loss, ear injury, or circulation problems. From the moment I lost the hearing in my left ear, I simultaneously gained these unwanted sounds. My life became noisier.

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