Sudden Hearing Loss Support: 4 Resources to Help You on Your Hearing Loss Journey
During my rehabilitation, I discovered how difficult It was to find helpful and reliable info online apart from the occasional article on hearing loss associations and charity websites. At the time of my loss, I struggled to find anything that encapsulated the whole sudden hearing loss experience - both the practical and emotional impact. There was also limited support in learning to live with a new hearing loss, and some of the forums I joined were so negative that I ended up leaving.
In connecting with others over the years, I identified a need for more support for people moving forward following a sudden hearing loss and began to create some resources to do just this.
Deaf Awareness Week 2023: 5 Surprising Facts About Life With Single-Sided Deafness
Deaf Awareness Week 2023
This week is Deaf Awareness Week!
The theme this year is Deaf Inclusion, which highlights how hearing loss impacts daily life and how others can help support deaf people.
This Deaf Awareness Week, I’m bringing attention to Single-Sided Deafness (SSD), a type of unilateral hearing loss, where a person has no or limited access to sound in one ear.
This subject is close to my heart as I have lived with SSD since my sudden hearing loss in 2016. Here I share some of the challenges that come with SSD, ways you can help support people with SSD, and how to advocate for yourself if you have SSD.
The life-changing impact of hearing loss
Was your hearing loss life-changing? Mine certainly was, and it's not surprising really. Our hearing plays a big part in the way we interact with the world. Before my hearing loss, I relied on my hearing, without realising its value.
My crystal clear bilateral hearing enabled me to detect and locate the smallest of utterances in my classroom. Conversation came easily, without struggle or strain. Overlapping voices or background music didn’t bother me and didn't impact my ability to socialise.