Mental Health Awareness Week: Let’s Talk About Hearing Loss Grief
When I suddenly lost the hearing in my left ear, I was so focussed on the practical impact of my hearing loss and learning to live with single-sided deafness that I barely stopped to acknowledge my feelings.
Several months after my sudden hearing loss, I was given some advice from a stranger I had briefly connected with online. They told me that, as with any other loss in life, I would need to grieve my lost sound with the attention it deserved.
This advice proved crucial in helping me address the emotional aspects of my new situation, and immediately made it feel acceptable for me to begin the grieving process.
What are the stages of grief?
The five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. You may experience all of these stages or only some, and they don’t necessarily happen in one particular order.
Images of people showing the 5 signs of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.
For me, I had periods of feeling angry. I was angry because I felt that I could no longer rely on my body; I felt it had failed me.
I contemplated the fragility of life. I felt sadness, isolation, and exhaustion from missed words in conversations that used to be so easy to follow.
I continuously questioned my feelings as to whether they were a justified measure of grief and then learned to treat myself with more kindness.
It took time to reach a stage of acceptance.
Moving Forward
Talking to my partner really helped me deal with the emotional impact of my hearing loss. I confided in him, explaining my feelings and new hearing sensations, and he provided unfaltering support, strength, and compassion.
I also wrote about my experience in my personal blog, which helped me organise my thoughts and feelings, meaning they gradually occupied less headspace.
I connected online with people who were going through similar situations. I now find comfort in being able to offer my advice and share experiences with others.
Hearing loss grief remains one of the main topics of discussion in my Facebook support group.
Here are some self-care tips for dealing with hearing loss grief:
Need some support?
I understand what it feels like to be dealing with hearing loss grief, and I know how helpful it can be to talk to someone who identifies with what you are going through.
In my coaching sessions, I can support you in dealing with the emotional impact of hearing loss, tinnitus, or balance disorders. Through reflection and discussion, we can open up the pathway to moving forward positively.
To tell me your story and see whether coaching could be for you, click the link below and we can get started!